Easy Guide on How to Make a Fruit Fly Trap at Home

Are you tired of pesky fruit flies invading your living space? Worry not, as we have a solution for you. In this section, we will guide you on how to make a fruit fly trap at home. You don’t need any fancy tools or expensive products. All you need are common household materials, and you are good to go. Following the steps in this easy guide, you can create a budget-friendly fruit fly trap that will effectively rid your home of fruit flies; also, buy a Venus fly trap online.

Key Takeaways:

  • Creating a homemade fruit fly trap is easy and requires common household materials.
  • Fruit fly traps are an inexpensive solution to a fruit fly infestation
  • Regular monitoring and preventive measures can help minimize future fruit fly infestations

Gather the Necessary Materials

Before you make your fruit fly trap, it’s time to gather the required materials. Fortunately, this recipe requires common household items that won’t break the bank. Here’s what you need:

Materials Quantity
Small jar or container 1
Vinegar or apple cider 1/4 cup
Dish soap A few drops
Plastic wrap or a rubber band 1 sheet/1 band
Toothpick or fork 1
Ripe fruit or fruit scraps A small amount

This cheap fruit fly trap recipe is perfect for those on a budget. Most of the ingredients are probably already in your home. If not, they’re readily available at any grocery store. Now that you’ve gathered everything you need, let’s make the bait.

Prepare the Bait

The key to making an effective fruit fly trap is the bait. Fruit flies are attracted to the smell of ripe fruits and vegetables, so it is important to use them as bait.

To prepare the bait, select a ripe fruit or fruit scrap, such as apple or banana. Mash the fruit slightly to release its aroma. Place the mashed fruit into a small bowl or container.

Alternatively, you can use apple cider or red wine vinegar as bait. These types of vinegar have a strong smell that attracts fruit flies. Pour a small amount of vinegar into a bowl or container.

Add a few drops of dish soap to the fruit or vinegar. The dish soap will break the surface tension of the liquid, causing the flies to drown.

Stir the mixture gently to combine the ingredients. The bait is now ready to use in your homemade fruit fly trap.

Assemble the Fruit Fly Trap

Now that you have your bait ready, it’s time to assemble your homemade fruit fly trap. Take a small jar or container and pour a small amount of vinegar or apple cider into it. Add a few drops of dish soap to break the surface tension. The dish soap makes it difficult for the fruit flies to escape once they touch the liquid.

You can use any small container for your DIY fruit fly trap, as long as it has a narrow opening that the fruit flies can enter but not easily exit from. A glass jar or plastic container will work just fine.

If you’re using a jar, follow these steps:

  1. Pour in a small amount of vinegar or apple cider, about a half-inch to an inch deep.
  2. Add a few drops of dish soap to the vinegar or apple cider and stir gently.
  3. Place the mashed fruit or fruit scraps into the jar and mix gently with the vinegar or apple cider.

If you’re using a plastic container, follow these steps:

  1. Cut a small hole in the lid of the container.
  2. Pour in a small amount of vinegar or apple cider, about a half-inch to an inch deep.
  3. Add a few drops of dish soap to the vinegar or apple cider and stir gently.
  4. Place the mashed fruit or fruit scraps into the container and mix gently with the vinegar or apple cider.
  5. Put the lid back on the container and use tape or hot glue to seal the hole you cut into it. Ensure the hole is small enough for fruit flies to enter but not large enough to escape easily.

Once you’ve assembled your fruit fly trap, you can move on to the next step: covering it.

Cover the Trap

Cover the top of the jar or container with plastic wrap to prevent the fruit flies from escaping. Secure it using a rubber band or by tightly wrapping the plastic wrap around the rim. Make a few small holes in the plastic wrap using a toothpick or fork.

It’s important to cover the trap to keep the fruit flies inside. If they can escape, they will continue to reproduce and multiply, defeating the purpose of the homemade fruit fly trap.

Natural materials such as plastic wrap and a rubber band make this DIY fruit fly trap cost-effective and eco-friendly. With just a few simple materials, you can create an effective natural fruit fly trap to eliminate those pesky insects.

Place the Fruit Fly Trap

Now that you have created an effective fruit fly trap at home, strategically place it where fruit flies are most commonly found. These include areas near fruit bowls, garbage cans, and compost bins. The natural fruit fly trap you made will attract and capture the flies.

However, keeping the trap away from food preparation areas is important to avoid contamination. Place it on a table or countertop where it won’t be disturbed. Make sure to monitor the trap regularly to ensure that it remains effective.

Additional Tip:

For best results, place multiple traps in different areas of the room. This will increase the chances of attracting and trapping fruit flies.

Monitor and Dispose of Flies

It is important to regularly monitor your fruit fly trap to assess its effectiveness in capturing flies. As fruit flies are captured, they will drown in the liquid inside the trap. To dispose of the trapped flies, empty the trap’s contents into a plastic bag and tightly seal it.

If you notice that the trap is not capturing as many fruit flies as before, it may be time to refresh the bait or create a new trap altogether. Always dispose of the trap’s contents promptly to prevent any potential odors or secondary pest infestations.

Additional Tips for Fruit Fly Prevention

In addition to using a fruit fly trap, there are other measures you can take to prevent fruit fly infestations. Keep your kitchen clean and free of ripe fruits and vegetables, and store produce in sealed containers to prevent fruit spoilage. Additionally, regularly empty and clean garbage bins to avoid attracting fruit flies.

By consistently implementing these preventive measures and utilizing an effective fruit fly trap, you can keep your living space free of pesky fruit flies and enjoy a cleaner, healthier environment.

Additional Tips for Fruit Fly Prevention

While a homemade fruit fly trap can be an effective solution for eliminating fruit flies, there are also preventive measures that you can take to minimize their presence in your home.

  • Keep your kitchen clean: Wipe down counters and surfaces regularly, and immediately clean up any spilled liquids or food scraps.
  • Store produce properly: Keep ripe fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator and store them in sealed containers to prevent fruit flies from accessing them.
  • Empty garbage bins frequently: Dispose of trash regularly, and clean your garbage bins frequently to prevent rotting food from attracting fruit flies.

By taking these precautions and using a natural fruit fly trap as needed, you can keep these pesky insects under control and enjoy a clean, bug-free environment.


Making a fruit fly trap at home is an easy and effective way to eliminate those pesky bugs from your living space. Following the step-by-step guide in this article, you can create a homemade fruit fly trap using common household items.

Gather all necessary materials, prepare an enticing bait, assemble the trap, cover it with plastic wrap, and place it where fruit flies are commonly found. Regularly monitor and dispose of the trapped flies to keep your living space free of these annoying pests.

Additional Tips for Fruit Fly Prevention

In addition to using a fruit fly trap, you can take a few preventive measures to minimize fruit fly infestations. Keep your kitchen clean and free of ripe fruits and vegetables, store produce in sealed containers, and regularly empty and clean garbage bins. Implementing these measures can reduce the likelihood of fruit fly infestations in your home.

Say goodbye to those pesky fruit flies once and for all, and enjoy a bug-free environment in your home!


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