Step-By-Step Guide: How to Make a Fruit Fly Trap at Home

Fruit flies can be a pesky nuisance in the kitchen, especially during the warmer months. Fortunately, you don’t have to resort to expensive chemicals to eliminate them. You can easily create a DIY fruit fly trap with just a few simple ingredients in your home. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to make a homemade fruit fly trap that is both effective and easy to make.

Key Takeaways:

  • Create a cost-effective fruit fly trap using ingredients found at home
  • Gather necessary supplies, including a small glass or jar, apple cider vinegar or wine, dish soap, plastic wrap or sandwich bag, and a toothpick or fork
  • Prepare the bait by pouring apple cider vinegar or wine into the glass or jar
  • Add a few drops of dish soap to the mixture to make it more effective
  • Cover the trap with plastic wrap or a sandwich bag and create entry points with a toothpick or fork
  • Place the trap in problem areas and monitor and empty it regularly to prevent future infestations
  • Keep your kitchen clean and free of overripe fruits or vegetables to prevent fruit fly infestations
  • Enhance the effectiveness of your fruit fly trap with additional tips and tricks

Gather the Necessary Supplies

Making a fruit fly trap at home is easy and requires only a few simple ingredients. Before you start, gather the necessary supplies:

A small glass or jar
Apple cider vinegar or wine
Dish soap
Plastic wrap or a sandwich bag
A toothpick or fork

With these simple ingredients, you can create an effective fruit fly trap in your home. Keep reading to learn how.

Prepare the Bait

Now that you have all the necessary supplies, it’s time to prepare the bait for your fruit fly trap. The bait for the trap is made using apple cider vinegar or wine, which creates an irresistible scent for the fruit flies to follow.

If you’re using apple cider vinegar, pour a small amount (about half an inch) into the glass or jar. If you’re using wine, use just enough to cover the bottom. Alternatively, you can use a ripe piece of fruit or fruit juice as a natural bait.

Pro tip: the riper the fruit, the more effective the bait.

If you’re looking for a natural fruit fly trap, try blending a few pieces of rotting fruit or vegetables in a blender with water. This mixture can be used as an alternative to the vinegar or wine.

Once you’ve poured the bait into the container, the next step is to add dish soap.

Add Dish Soap

Now that you have poured a small amount of apple cider vinegar or wine into the glass or jar, it’s time to add a few drops of dish soap to the mixture. The dish soap will help break the surface tension of the liquid, making it easier for fruit flies to sink into the mixture and drown.

Adding dish soap also helps prevent the fruit flies from escaping once they are trapped inside the glass or jar. Gently stir the mixture to combine the ingredients. Be careful not to create too many suds while stirring, as this can deter the fruit flies from entering the trap.

Adding dish soap to your fruit fly trap is an easy and effective way to enhance its ability to capture these pesky insects. You can experiment with the amount of dish soap you add to the mixture to find the perfect balance for your homemade fruit fly trap.

Cover the Trap

Once you have added the bait and dish soap to the glass or jar, cover it with plastic wrap or a sandwich bag. Secure it tightly with a rubber band to prevent flies from escaping.

This step is crucial for the success of your fruit fly trap DIY. If the cover is not properly sealed, flies can fly away after entering the trap. Additionally, this cover will help keep other pests away from the bait.

If using plastic wrap, poke several small holes using a toothpick or fork. These holes will serve as entry points for the flies to enter but make it difficult for them to escape. If using a sandwich bag, tie the top part of the bag and poke a few holes using a toothpick or fork on the opposite side of the knot.

When making homemade remedies for fruit flies, ensure the cover is secure and has adequate entry points to trap the flies.

Create Entry Points

Once you have prepared the bait and added the dish soap to your fruit fly trap, it’s time to create entry points for the flies. Use a toothpick or fork to poke several small holes in the plastic wrap or sandwich bag covering the jar. These holes will allow the flies to enter the jar but make it difficult to find their way out.

Creating entry points is essential in making an effective fruit fly trap. Without these openings, the fruit flies won’t be able to enter the trap and will continue to buzz around your home. Adding these easy access points will increase the chances of capturing these annoying pests.

Make sure not to make the holes too big, as the larger openings may allow the flies to escape. Remember that the goal is to lure the fruit flies in and prevent them from escaping once they’re inside. By taking these simple steps, you’ll have an effective and easy fruit fly trap to help eliminate these pesky insects from your home.

Place the Trap in Problem Areas

Now that you have successfully created a homemade fruit fly trap, the next step is to place it in problem areas. Identify the areas where fruit flies are commonly found in your kitchen, such as near ripe fruits, trash cans, or kitchen sinks. Place the fruit fly trap in these areas to attract and capture the flies.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of your homemade fruit fly trap will depend on its placement. Place the trap where it won’t be disturbed and where fruit flies are likely to be present.

Additionally, if you have a large infestation, placing multiple traps in different areas of your kitchen is recommended. This will help increase the chances of capturing as many fruit flies as possible.

Placing your homemade fruit fly trap in problem areas can reduce the number of fruit flies in your kitchen. This is a natural and effective way to get rid of fruit flies without the need for harmful chemicals.

Monitor and Empty the Trap

After placing your homemade fruit fly trap in problem areas, it’s important to monitor it regularly to see if it has captured any flies. Check it at least once a day and empty it as needed.

When the trap becomes filled with fruit flies, carefully remove the plastic wrap or sandwich bag and empty the contents into a trash bag. Dispose of the bag properly to prevent any escapees from returning to your kitchen.

Thoroughly clean the trap with soap and water before reusing it. Rinse it well to remove any soap residue and let it air dry before adding fresh bait.

Keeping a close eye on your homemade fruit fly trap is key to maintaining a fruit fly-free environment in your home. With this easy and cost-effective solution, you can say goodbye to those annoying pests for good.

Prevent Fruit Fly Infestations

Fruit fly infestations can quickly become frustrating and difficult to deal with. However, there are several homemade remedies for fruit flies that you can use to prevent future infestations. Here are some tips:

  1. Keep a clean kitchen: Avoid leaving overripe fruits or vegetables on your countertop or refrigerator. Use airtight containers to store food and keep your kitchen clean regularly.
  2. Dispose of trash properly: Empty it frequently and keep it tightly sealed. Make sure to dispose of any food waste in a separate bag outside of your house.
  3. Use natural fruit fly traps: As demonstrated in this article, you can create a homemade natural fruit fly trap using simple ingredients found at home. Place these traps in common problem areas, such as near ripe fruits or kitchen sinks.
  4. Check your drains: Fruit flies can breed and multiply in the moist environment of your drains. Regularly check your sinks and use a drain-cleaning solution to prevent any buildup.

Following these simple tips and using a homemade natural fruit fly trap can prevent future infestations and keep your kitchen clean and fruit fly-free.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to make your fruit fly trap even more effective:

  • Change the bait regularly – fruit flies are attracted to the scent of decaying fruits, so make sure to replace the bait every few days.
  • Add a few drops of essential oils – peppermint, eucalyptus, and lemongrass can help repel fruit flies. Place a few drops around the areas where fruit flies are commonly found.
  • Clean your drains – fruit flies can lay their eggs in drain pipes, so clean your drains regularly with hot water and vinegar to prevent any build-up.
  • Use a combination of traps – try using multiple traps in problem areas to increase your chances of catching fruit flies.

If you prefer a natural fruit fly trap, use a ripe piece of fruit or fruit juice instead of apple cider vinegar or wine. The sweet scent will attract the fruit flies, and the soap will prevent them from escaping.

Remember, the best way to prevent fruit flies is to keep your kitchen clean and free of overripe fruits or vegetables. By taking these simple steps, you can eliminate fruit fly infestations and enjoy a clean and pest-free environment.


With these simple steps, you can make a fruit fly trap home. This cost-effective solution can help you eliminate fruit flies without the need for expensive or harmful chemicals.

Remember to gather the necessary supplies, prepare the bait using apple cider vinegar or wine, add dish soap, cover the trap with plastic wrap or a sandwich bag, create entry points, and place the trap in problem areas. Don’t forget to monitor and empty the trap regularly and take steps to prevent future infestations.

Additional Tips and Tricks

For added effectiveness, try adding a few pieces of overripe fruit to the trap to make it even more attractive to fruit flies. You can also place multiple traps in problem areas to increase your chances of catching them. Additionally, consider using natural remedies such as essential oils or herbs to repel fruit flies.

Following these tips, you can say goodbye to those annoying pests and enjoy a fruit fly-free environment. Now you know how to make a fruit fly trap, so get started and keep those pesky flies at bay!


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