Discover Which Bait Works Best for a Homemade Fly Trap

Flies can be a nuisance, especially during the warmer months when they seem everywhere. While fly traps can be purchased from stores, they can be costly and often contain harmful chemicals. Making a homemade fly trap is a cost-effective and natural solution to eliminate flies in your home. But which bait works best for a homemade fly trap?

Key Takeaways

  • Homemade fly traps can be a cost-effective and natural solution for eliminating flies in your home.
  • The right bait is crucial for attracting and trapping flies effectively in a homemade fly trap.
  • There are various bait options for homemade fly traps, including sweet, fermenting, protein-based, and rotting fruits and vegetables.
  • Experimenting with different bait options can help you find the recipe that works best for you.

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Understanding Fly Behavior and Attractants

Before delving into specific bait options for homemade fly traps, it’s vital to comprehend fly behavior and the attractants that entice them. By understanding what flies find irresistible, you can create a foolproof trap that eliminates them.

Effective Baits for Homemade Fly Traps

When it comes to bait options, homemade fly traps should incorporate ingredients that fly find irresistible. The best bait for catching flies at home should have a strong odor that flies can detect from a distance. Natural bait for homemade fly traps can include sweet, fermenting, protein-based, or rotting fruits and vegetables.

Sweet baits are known for their enticing aroma that flies gravitate towards. Common ingredients for sweet bait options include sugar, honey, or syrup. Fermenting substances like rotten fruit, vinegar, and beer can create a homemade fly trap attractant. Protein-based baits, such as meat scraps or dog food, can also be an effective fly trap attractant. Lastly, rotting fruits and vegetables emit strong odors that attract flies. Ingredients like bananas, tomatoes, and potatoes can capture flies in homemade fly traps.

In addition to these primary bait options, several other natural ingredients can be used in homemade fly traps. Garlic, eucalyptus oil, and essential oils such as lavender and peppermint also repel flies.

By incorporating natural ingredients that attract or repel flies in your DIY fly trap, you can effectively trap flies while keeping your home chemical-free.

Sweet Bait Options

Sweet ingredients are known to attract flies due to their pleasant aroma effectively. Creating homemade fly trap bait using sweet ingredients is a simple and cost-effective solution to eliminate flies in your home. Here are some homemade fly trap bait ideas to consider:

Sweet Ingredient Description
Sugar One of the most common sweet ingredients, sugar, can be dissolved in water to create a simple syrup. This syrup can be used as a sticky trap or mixed with other ingredients for a more complex trap.
Honey Honey is a natural sweetener with a strong scent that can attract flies easily. Mix honey with water or other ingredients to create an effective homemade fly trap bait.
Fruit Juice The natural sweetness of fruit juice can attract flies to your homemade fly trap. Pineapple juice, in particular, is effective due to its strong scent.

When creating your homemade fly trap bait, please place it in a shallow dish or jar with a small opening, as flies are more attracted to shallow areas. Replace the bait regularly to ensure optimal freshness and effectiveness.

Fermenting Bait Options

In addition to sweet baits, flies are also attracted to fermenting substances. Luckily, plenty of homemade fly trap bait ideas utilize fermenting ingredients. One of the most effective options is fermenting fruit or vegetable scraps in a jar.

To create a fermenting bait, fill a jar with fruit or vegetable scraps and cover it with a paper towel or cheesecloth. Secure with a rubber band to allow air circulation. Leave the jar in a warm, dark place for several days until the scraps ferment and emit an odor.

Once the bait is ready, pour it into your homemade fly trap and add enough water to create a solution. Flies will be attracted to the scent and become trapped in the liquid.

Other fermenting bait options include sour wine, beer, or kombucha. Be sure to use small amounts of these liquids, as too much can cause the bait to become unappealing to flies.

A homemade fly trap attractant using fermenting bait can be a highly effective way to catch and eliminate flies. Be sure to experiment with different types of fermenting ingredients to find the one that works best for your needs.

Protein-Based Bait Options

If you’re looking for an effective homemade fly trap bait idea, consider using protein-based ingredients. Flies are attracted to the smell of decaying meat, making it an ideal bait option.

You can use various protein sources to create your homemade fly trap attractant, such as:

Protein Sources How to Use
Raw meat Cut the meat into small chunks and place it in the trap.
Eggshells Crush the eggshells and mix them with water to create a paste. Place the paste in the trap.
Peanut butter Spread a generous amount of peanut butter on cardboard or paper and place it in the trap.

Mix and match protein sources to create a more potent homemade fly trap attractant.

Remember to replace the bait regularly to prevent it from spoiling and losing effectiveness.

Note: If you have pets, keep the fly trap out of their reach, as the protein-based bait may harm them if ingested.

Rotting Fruits and Vegetable Bait Options

When fruits and vegetables start to rot, they release a strong odor that attracts flies. This makes them an excellent bait option for homemade fly traps. Try using any of the following rotting fruits and vegetables:

Fruit or Vegetable Notes
Bananas Peel and mash them to create a paste.
Tomatoes Cut them into small pieces.
Apples Cut them into small pieces.
Pineapples Cut them into small pieces.
Pears Cut them into small pieces.
Mangoes Cut them into small pieces.

When using rotting fruits and vegetables as bait, it’s important to replace them frequently to ensure their effectiveness. If the fruits and vegetables no longer attract flies, replace them with fresh rotting produce.

Tip: To boost the effectiveness of your rotting fruits and vegetables bait, try mixing them with a sweet bait option such as honey or sugar water.

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Using Vinegar as Bait

Vinegar is a versatile household item that can be used in many ways, including as an effective bait option for homemade fly traps. The strong smell of vinegar can attract flies, making it a great natural option for catching them.

To use vinegar as bait, you can create a simple trap by filling a jar or bowl halfway with apple cider vinegar. Cover the top with plastic wrap and poke a few small holes. Flies will be attracted to the smell of vinegar and fly into the jar through the holes but cannot escape.

You can also mix a few drops of dish soap with vinegar to create a sticky substance that will more effectively trap the flies. Alternatively, add a few pieces of rotting fruit or a spoonful of sugar to the vinegar to enhance its attractant properties.

It’s important to note that while vinegar can be an effective bait option, it may not work as well in areas with strong competing odors, such as kitchens or trash cans. In these cases, other bait options may be more effective.

Other Natural Bait Options

In addition to the previously mentioned bait options, several other natural ingredients can be used in homemade fly traps. These alternatives can be convenient if you don’t have the specific ingredients for the previously mentioned bait options.

One option is using molasses, which is high in sugar content. Mix molasses with water and heat it to create a sticky, sweet syrup that will attract flies. Another option is using honey, which is sweet and sticky and can be combined with other baits such as vinegar.

Another natural bait option is using essential oils, such as lavender, eucalyptus, or citrus. Simply mix a few drops of the essential oil with water and use it as a spray to attract flies. Alternatively, you can put a few drops of the oil on a cotton ball and hang it near your homemade fly trap.

Dried herbs and spices, such as basil, mint, and cloves, can also be used as bait options. They can be tied in a cheesecloth or placed in a water bowl to release their scent and attract flies.

Remember to experiment with these alternative bait options to find the best one for your homemade fly trap.

DIY Fly Trap Bait Recipes

Creating your homemade fly trap bait is an effective and affordable way to eliminate flies from your home. Using natural ingredients, you can create a bait that attracts flies, luring them into the trap for a successful catch. Here are some fly trap bait recipes to try:

Sweet Bait Recipe

To create a sweet fly trap bait, you will need:

  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup water

Mix the sugar, honey, and water in a bowl until well combined. Pour the mixture into a shallow dish near where flies are present. The sweet scent will attract the flies, and they will drown in the mixture.

Fermenting Bait Recipe

To create a fermenting fly trap bait, you will need:

  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup ripe fruit
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tbsp sugar

Mix the apple cider vinegar, ripe fruit, water, and sugar in a bowl and let it sit for 24 hours. Once fermented, pour the mixture into a shallow dish and place it near where flies are present. The fermenting aroma will attract the flies, and they will drown in the mixture.

Protein-Based Bait Recipe

To create a protein-based fly trap bait, you will need:

  • 1/4 cup raw meat
  • 1/4 cup water

Mix the raw meat and water until you have a thick paste. Spread the mixture onto a strip of paper or cardboard and hang it near the area where flies are present. The protein scent will attract the flies and stick to the paper or cardboard.

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Rotting Fruit and Vegetable Bait Recipe

To create a rotting fruit and vegetable fly trap bait, you will need:

  • 1/4 cup mashed overripe fruit
  • 1/4 cup mashed overripe vegetables
  • 1/4 cup water

Mix the mashed overripe fruit, vegetables, and water in a bowl until well combined. Pour the mixture into a shallow dish near where flies are present. The rotting aroma will attract the flies, and they will drown in the mixture.

Experiment with different ingredients and combinations to find the best fly trap bait recipe for your specific fly problem. Remember to change the bait regularly to ensure its effectiveness.

Setting Up and Using Your Homemade Fly Trap

Now that you have selected the best bait for your homemade fly trap, it’s time to set it up for maximum effectiveness. Place the trap in areas where flies are commonly seen, such as near windows, doors, or trash cans.

Ensure the trap is placed away from food preparation and consumption areas to prevent contamination. Also, keep it out of reach of children and pets.

To use your homemade fly trap, add the DIY fly trap bait of your choice to the trap. Check the trap regularly for trapped flies and replace the bait as needed.

Remember to clean your trap regularly to prevent the buildup of dead flies and bacteria. Remove the trapped flies and rinse the trap with soap and water. Allow the trap to dry before adding fresh bait.

With a little effort and the right bait, your homemade fly trap can effectively eliminate pesky flies in your home.


Eliminating flies in your home doesn’t have to be a difficult task. You can efficiently catch and eliminate these pesky insects by creating a homemade fly trap and using the right bait. Remember to experiment with different bait options, including sweet, fermenting, protein-based, rotting fruits and vegetables, and vinegar, to find the best recipe for you.


Follow our DIY fly trap bait recipes and set up your trap in the right location to ensure optimal results. Don’t forget to maintain the trap regularly and dispose of the trapped flies properly.

With these simple steps, you can say goodbye to flies and enjoy a fly-free environment in your home. Try these natural and cost-effective solutions to ensure a comfortable and healthy living space for you and your family.


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